What’s Causing Your Burnout? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Are You Showing Signs of Burnout? Use This Quiz to Help Diagnose (and Cure) Yourself. There are three distinct burnout types. Curing each one requires a different solution. Extra time off isn’t always the answer.

Jennifer talks about the issue of burnout and provides a quiz to help individuals diagnose and understand the different types of burnout they may be experiencing. ​ The article explains that burnout is an occupational phenomenon caused by chronic workplace stress, leading to feelings of exhaustion, cynical detachment, and reduced efficacy at work. ​ The World Health Organization defines burnout in this way. ​ The pandemic has exacerbated burnout for many people, causing some to seek other jobs and others to withdraw at work. ​

Jennifer identifies three distinct symptoms of burnout: exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. ​ Each type requires a different solution for recovery.

Exhaustion: This is caused by an unmanageable workload, relentless work schedule, too many tasks, and packed days filled with meetings. ​ Jennifer suggests talking to your boss about the toll of your workload, discussing workload and expectations with co-workers, resetting boundaries between work and life, and pausing before saying "yes" to every task.

Cynicism: Cynical detachment occurs when individuals feel that opportunities at work are not decided solely on merit and do not feel supported by their boss, colleagues, or company. ​ Jennifer suggests getting out of your own head and helping others as a way to lessen this type of burnout. ​ Showing compassion to others can create connections and a sense of belonging. ​

Inefficacy: This stems from a sense of inadequacy at work, feeling under-appreciated, or not being in control. ​ Jennifer recommends giving yourself a break, building time for self-care and hobbies outside of work, and being a positive force in the lives of others. ​ Regaining autonomy over your work and schedule can also help alleviate feelings of inadequacy. ​

Answer the questions in the article to identify possible factors at work that could be leading you to burn out.


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