The National: The Harsh Reality of the ‘Mom Load’: Pandemic Burnout Leads to Job Changes

Jennifer speaks with CBC News: The National about the daily workload — paid and unpaid — faced by some moms that has resulted in burnout and forced job changes.

Many moms take on extra workload at home - juggling appointments, supervising homework, shuttling kids to school and activities - and at work - doing work in their off-time to have the flexibility to work around their family schedule. The flexibility that many moms are now getting from work may be on the way out, and they are often looking for new roles that will allow them to keep this newfound flexibility.

Jennifer speaks about how women’s unpaid labour hours increased during the pandemic, but that men’s did not, and how women are facing burnout as a result. She talks about how leaders need to talk to women about what they really need in order to keep women in the labour force, since we’re seeing many more women leave the workforce altogether due to burnout and lack of flexibility at work.

Jennifer Moss, the author of The Burnout Epidemic, appeared on CBC News: The National to share her opinions on the importance of talking to female employees about their needs at work in order to help combat the effects of the extra labour they’ve taken on since the pandemic.


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